

Religious services

St. Marien, Domkirche catholic cathedral, Danziger Str. 60 St. Georg, near to central station. (http://www.domgemeinde-ha...). Holy Mass Su 8:30AM, 10AM, noon Portuguese, 3PM Croatian, 6:15PM, M-Sa 6:15PM; Th 9:30PM.

St. Elisabeth, Oberstr. 65 district Harvestehude. (http://www.sankt-elisabet...) Holy Mass Sa 6PM, Su 10AM, noon English, 5:30PM Spanish, 7:30PM 3rd Su only, Tu, Th, F: 7PM, W 3PM.

St. Ansgar kleiner Michel, Michaelisstr. 5 district Neustadt. ( Holy Mass Su 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 3:30PM Tagalog, 7:30PM. M F 6:30PM, W 9:30, 7PM Tagalog.

Index of all Catholic churches in the archdioceses of Hamburg (http://www.eba-schwerin.d...)